Early voting could make the difference

By all accounts, this has been a great month for Hillary Clinton. If this continues, the Clintons are likely to be packing on November 9 for a return trip to Pennsylvania Avenue. They may have the trio of Donald Trump, early voting, and a sophisticated ground game to thank. Here’s why…

More like Ben…

Recently, I re-read “14 Action Inducing Lessons from Benjamin Franklin”  written by Thea Easterby and published on Jay White’s blog site, Dumb Little Man. I was struck by Franklin’s knack for boiling complicated issues down to their most salient points. Lessons that can be applied to public affairs as well as our personal lives. Easterby does a […]

Priorities – Five Questions to ask Yourself and Your Team

I’m often asked about prioritizing. The conversation comes down to a basic reality – public affairs teams routinely face more issues than they have resources to address. Because the public affairs team generally serves the entire organization (or industry), it must synthesize and prioritize the business units’ (or members’) often competing priorities.* Invariably, individual business […]