Clear View Strategies, LLC was founded on the core belief that success in business, whether that’s social services or public affairs, is best achieved when the people involved have a clear picture of the environment today, where the organization wants to be tomorrow, and the willingness to be creative and flexible along the way.
The C.L.E.A.R. Principles guide our work.
CONTEXT: Context is critical. Organizations seek help from consultants because they have a perceived “problem”. We ask the right questions to understand the organization’s core strengths and weaknesses and to expose the root elements of the perceived problem in the larger, strategic context.
LEVERAGE: Work smarter. We all learned about the mechanical power of leverage in grade school. Clear View Strategies applies the same theory to our consulting work. We probe and analyze to customize an approach that leverages not only the client’s strengths, but also the strengths of other potential stakeholders to help you do what you do best while encouraging others to act in ways that support your organization’s priorities.
ENVIRONMENT: Knowledge is power. Building the right plan requires information about the environment. What has been done previously (successes and failures) by the client, the industry, and the opposition on this and related issues? Where is the issue in its life cycle and are there unrelated or emerging issues that could impact progress? What else is happening in this space that could influence the outcome? How does the timing of this issue fit into the larger business environment?
APPROACH: Strategy is key. Business initiatives are successful when they focus on executing the right strategies, not necessarily the most activities. This requires a customized approach that fits the client’s needs, not some consultant’s “formula”. It also requires an assessment that considers standard industry techniques as well as unique and creative thinking that consistently includes “What if…?” scenarios and a willingness to move outside the proverbial box to engage non-traditional allies and potential business partners as well as the client’s industry and typical friends.
RESULTS: Win the war, not just battles. In the end, results are what matters – not just results on the issue at hand, but results in the larger context. Lasting success requires a broad view of the environment and the client’s goals within that environment. We focus on achieving organizational success and we do so in a manner that delivers value and results in the larger context.
Above all else, we live by the axiom that it is always the right time to do the right thing. We demand that of ourselves and we work only with clients who share a similar perspective.
Clear View Strategies, LLC was founded in March 2012 by Paul Cantrell, a veteran managed care and public affairs executive with 25 years of experience in government, managed care and non-profit leadership. For more information on Clear View Strategies, LLC, please contact us.